22 January 2014

snow day

It snowed today! As much of an inconvenience it is to get to work and home, I don't mind it as much as I used to. Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to taking pictures now, so I'm always keeping an eye out for what would make good picture material. Sometimes I regret not taking a picture of something out of fear of looking silly to strangers around me. Not like I know anything about photography of course, as my camera of preference is the one on my phone. I have close to zero sense of lighting and composition and things like that. I mean, the out of focus-ness in the first picture was purely accidental and I've been trying to figure out for ages how to do that on purpose! But it's always good to have something you enjoy doing or look forward to doing consistently, and learning new things and improving. Even if you really have no idea what you're doing, but thinks it looks good anyway.

Until next post,


  1. aww i love the pictures! i haven't seen snow in years... i think you did a great job with these shots. love little life posts like this one :)

    rachel x

  2. These are magical photos, I'm so sad I haven't seen snow this Winter yet. I think we all feel a little silly in public taking random photos but I like to capture the scene (despite my poor photography skills) because I want to remember the moment later.

    xo Natasha
    The Night is Wild

    1. Remembering the moment later is a great reason to take more photos - I think that reminder will help me get over the fear of looking silly, thanks! ;)

  3. I love taking pictures but that's no surprise :P
    I just pretend I'm a tourist you know haha, anyway
    nice pictures! Xx

    1. Haha, your blog is always full of such pretty pictures - I envy your skills! <3

  4. Pretty pictures! Snow always looks so pretty when it first falls

  5. these are so beautiful photos:) It still hasn't snowed in england yet this winter, i miss it!
    Lizzy | elizabethsophiee x

  6. Brrr! Looks chilly <3


  7. Snow is so beautiful!

  8. We've yet to get any snow. North Carolina has been getting so cold this winter and it's so annoying when you just don't get any snow. We get the temps for it, but there's just not enough moisture. Either give me snow or give me warm temperatures!


    1. It's hard to imagine North Carolina being cold - I've been there a few times and it's much warmer than New York is! Hope you'll get snow sometime this winter :)

  9. Ohh I love how pretty the snow is! We didn't get any this year and I'm a little sad about that hehe!

    Jennie xo | sailorjennie.com

    1. Is winter over for you guys already? I miss the warm temperatures!

  10. I love how these photos turned out! I think that pictures look so much better when you're just enjoying the moment, rather than messing around with camera settings. And the accidentally blurry one is quite beautiful :)

    1. I think so, too. When I plan out my posts, I find that I have to take 15+ pictures just to find the few that I like. And when I take an "in the moment" picture, I only need one or two!

  11. awww, snow is so beautiful! Here in my country I don't have snow, so it's kinda fascinating to me seeing these lovely pictures

  12. Oh wow what beautiful photo's! I wish we'd get some snow here for a few days... although I hate it when it turns to ice as it gets so dangerous! xxx

    Gemma // missmakeupmagpie.com

  13. Lovely pictures. :) ♥ It's yet to snow here, but it's so cold. It could do any day now. Brr .
