Succulents actually need to be watered frequently. Not super frequently, but they still need to be watered. It's true that they can survive without adequate amounts of water, but it doesn't mean that they should. Just like humans. And unfortunately mine has slightly shriveled leaves because I guess I didn't take the dry air from the heating into account. So I have to take back what I said when I first got it!

When Vanessa mentioned that she didn't finish a single book in 2014, I'm like, well shit, I didn't even pick up a single book in 2014. In my previous relationship my ex (angrily) voiced that fictional books were dumb because it wasn't even real, so therefore it was a waste of time. And being the pushover I was, I listened to him. I've said it once and I'll say it again: Never let someone change something you like to do. Unless you honestly agree that it's for the better. I guess it carried over even after we broke up, but now I'm making an effort to start reading again.
Currently I'm rereading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, because Harry Potter is my favorite series and I haven't read any of the books in a long time. I'm starting off with Chamber of Secrets because I don't have the first book, and I don't think I have the sixth one either. It's a sad way to start off a series ;-; I don't think I'll buy the first book, because James has a copy and I'll ask if I can borrow it from him when he returns back to Canada. I like to read for about an hour before I go to sleep. It's a good way to end the day.

I'm really happy with where my blog is at the moment. I may not have the thousands of followers we all wish we had, but I'm really satisfied with my content. I think the most important thing is that I can genuinely say I enjoy all the aspects of blogging, from taking and editing pictures to writing posts to commenting and replying to comments. It was an on and off thing at first, but I think anyone who blogs - or anyone who has a hobby, really - feels like that from time to time. Sorry for the blurred out text though, those are upcoming blog posts that I am keeping a secret ;)

Classes started on the 28th, which was when my MetroCard conveniently expired. Who starts classes in the middle of the week anyway?? I have a bunch of electives and one art class because all the other art classes were full or the times were inconvenient for me. And the art class is at 8:00 on a Saturday morning, which is just dandy.